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Reputation. Trust. Quality. Success.

Over the years, we have helped hundreds of jewelers from large super stores, Rolex and gilded-type stores, to smaller operations. Our speciality is buying media well and leveraging that media buy with a high impact message in various types of markets around the country. The net effect is we are very good at driving high customer traffic to your store but at the same time keeping the expenses lower than our competitors.

Placing Your Needs Above Ours

Part of what makes DN Promotions so successful is our ability to deliver success to our clients. As fellow independent jewelers, we’ve got the experience and know-how to plan a successful sale. But our true secret weapon is our adherence to three core principles that guide us through each sale. DN Promotions:



Our family has been in the jewelry business for over 65 years. We know first-hand the challenges facing independent jewelers today. During the growth of our business we opened and closed several locations, employing the top liquidation companies in our industry. These events did raise a lot of money and reduce our aging inventory, but at the same time we were never totally happy with the process or the after effects of the sale. For that reason, we created a company that improved on the best ideas and techniques, but at the same time eliminated the complaints that many jewelers have with major liquidators in the jewelry industry.

Start to Finish

Our team does all the planning an execution for all aspects of the sale. We combine your local market insights with extensive market research and develop an aggressive advertising strategy and media buy; develop a clear high impact message, with creative and quality ad production, scheduling, and all the many extra details that drives foot traffic and sales to your store. Our onsite directors are there to execute the daily operations of the sale, removing hassle and stress so you can concentrate on helping your customers.

No Up Front Fees

DN Promotions will incur all the initial advertising and other marketing expenses which will be reimbursed from the weekly proceeds of the sale. We charge no set fees for our services, we only charge a small commission. So when your successful, we’re successful.

No Conflict of Interest

We focus on selling your merchandise, not ours. The largest liquidation companies profit highly by bringing in their own inventory to sell using the jewelers name and advertising dollars. Over the years, many jewelers we have spoken to feel this is a conflict of interest which competes with the jeweler’s desire to sell as much of their inventory as possible. If supplemental jewelry is needed, it can be memoed in by the jeweler, or we can do it on their behalf. In other words, we have a reputation for keeping cost down and putting more money into the jeweler’s pocket at the end of these events.

Upholding Dignity

Another unique advantage to DN Promotions is we do fewer of these sales at one time which allows us to devote more time and focus on each of our client’s unique needs and creating a more custom event instead of cookie cutter approach. We can spend more time planning and managing all the details that make these events successful. We’re also known for conducting these events with a higher sensitivity and concern for the reputation of the jeweler, their customers and the families that built these stores. We conduct these events as if it was our own business.

DN Promotions: Experienced-Based Marketing Solutions

One of the reasons you can trust DN Promotions is we are also an independently-owned jewelry store. In fact, we own two. With a long history of serving our community with fine pieces, we understand how important your reputation is. More importantly, we understand how challenging it can be to ask for help, as we have worked with liquidation firms in the past. We used our experiences to find a better way of doing things. To learn more, contact us today.

Generate Extra Revenue
with DN Promotions