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Expert Liquidation & Jewelry Sales

Even if you’re transitioning ownership, you might have an agreement with the new owner that part of all of your inventory is yours to sell. If that’s the case, it’s in your interest to make sure you squeeze all the profit out of your final days as you can. Necklaces, rings, cufflinks, and more all hold tremendous value, and you’re well aware of their appeal, especially if they’re on sale. DN Promotions is also aware of this. We’ve spent years helping other jewelry stores reinvigorate their image and profits, and business owners leave the company they built with a substantial chunk of income. We take a small commission on sales, but unlike other liquidation consultants, we don’t sell our own merchandise. Instead, DN Promotions devotes our attention to ensuring your pieces find a new home.

diamond necklaces on display

Maximize Your Profits with DN Promotions

Above all else, you want the transition of ownership to go smoothly, whether your son is taking over or you’ve sold the company to a stranger. Fortunately, DN Promotions is skilled at executing efficient and profitable sales that make life easier for all involved. Don’t try to handle your final sale yourself. Instead, allow our experts to handle it ourselves. Our commission is small enough that you’ll see a significant profit when the event ends.

We Sell Your Products, with Our Expertise, for Your Best Interests.

Generate Extra Revenue
with DN Promotions