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DN Promotions Is Here to Answer Your Questions

Will the sales event hurt my store’s brand or image?

We hear this question a lot at DN Promotions. Many of our clients have had a negative experience with a liquidation company’s marketing tactics. In some cases, the advertising message created a perception of distress, causing the public to believe the jeweler was going out of business. Sometimes less reputable liquidators sell their own substandard merchandise, which reflects poorly on the jeweler. Our family has run two high-end and high-volume jewelry stores for over 65 years called Necker’s Jewelers. We’re sensitive to those concerns, and aside from our dedication to delivering a successful event to our clients, we strive to put you in a position to succeed long after the sale.

Will my business suffer after the sale, and if so, for how long?

Our sales generate three to four times the average sales of the same period during the previous year. As a result, you can expect a short-term drop-off in sales immediately following the sale. However, this can be minimized or avoided with the right follow-up strategy. It also depends on the type of sales event. Clients who use us for moving sales see a significant increase in profits after the event because of the media we provided to increase the stores’ visibility and brand in the local market and added new customers to their mailing list. This momentum carries over to the new store location, resulting in an increase in sale volume.

Do we need to bring in additional augmented inventory?

Most jewelers have some holes in their inventory. Because of the high volume of these sales, it is critical to cover all jewelry categories, in addition to price points, so you don’t miss any selling opportunities. While DN Promotions does not own any product, we will give the jeweler the option to memo in any items needed. We can also do it on your behalf. We bring in proven sellers for our events, including suppliers with high-grade merchandise and promotions that match your customer base. We provide you approval rights to everything that goes in your cases.

Will you provide any post-sale advice?

This is one of the values of our services. Aside from delivering a successful sale, DN Promotions can help you grow by using effective advertising and merchandising strategies moving forward. We are jewelers ourselves, and we care about your long-term success. DN Promotions felt after-sale services and advice was something other liquidators lacked, and we’ve committed to putting you on the path to success post-sale.

Generate Extra Revenue
with DN Promotions